Tuesday, 4 February 2014

The Amaizng Spiderman (6 GB)

Huge city choking on power criminals. In the streets of the real war begins, and only Spider-

Man is able to clean her native New York City from burglars, thieves and murderers. Peter 

Parker once again dons his legendary suit and goes on the warpath. But from the shadows 

deepened over Manhattan, watching the flight of the web … something sinister and is out for 

blood. This incredibly entertaining action game based on the Hollywood blockbuster will allow 

you to apply the most impressive arsenal of fighting techniques of Spider-Man. You happen to 

hover over the city, jump on skyscrapers, go underground and fight against legendary villains of 

the classic comic Marvel. The game’s plot begins where the events of the film ends. Find out 

what awaits heroes after the final credits will! 



Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7


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